Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Take Center Stage at Community Event
Santa Cruz, CA – November 02, 2023 – Five Branches University, a leading institution for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) education, joined forces with the local Cabrillo College community to bring the healing power of TCM to the Fall Health Festival. Their booth was a bustling hub where students and visitors could experience the profound benefits of acupuncture and TCM.

Sydney Davis, a participant from Five Branches University, stated that the booth was “heavily trafficked” as they offered 15-20 minute community-style acupuncture treatments. This quick and accessible treatment targeted the participants’ chief complaints, providing them with a taste of the healing wonders of TCM.
One of the most striking revelations from the event was the number of students who had never experienced acupuncture. Many were unfamiliar with this ancient healing system. Kelly Zeng, a Five Branches student, highlighted the privilege of engaging with these students, dispelling myths, and sharing insights into the principles and practices that underlie TCM. Hence not only offering healing but also providing valuable education to the community about acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
The Cabrillo College Fall Health Festival was not just about health; it was an opportunity to explore the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Dr. Mariposa Bernstein, the supervising faculty member, aptly summarized the experience as a “neat opportunity” for both Cabrillo College and Five Branches students as the event became a bridge connecting students to a world they may not have explored otherwise.